For years scientists were trying to watch and record sounds and vibrations of insects. The matter was resolved when Professor Robert Hickling, president of Sonometrics Inc, successfully recorded sounds coming out of Ants. Scientists were surprised by the fact that sound frequencies released by ants varied from ant to ant. This was a remarkable and interesting discovery, keeping in mind the fact that there are over 12,000 species of ants and the number of ants is multiple folds more than humans.
This discovery again proved that each and every piece of information in Quran is divine revelation and authentic. 27th chapter of Quran is named Surah Al-Naml (The Ant), in which Allah Almighty mentions ants,
“At length, when they came to a (lowly) valley of ants, one of the ants said: ‘O ye ants, get into your habitations, lest Solomon and his hosts crush you (under foot) without knowing it.’ So he (Solomon) smiled, amused at her speech; and he said: ‘O my Lord! so order me that I may be grateful for Thy favours, which thou hast bestowed on me and on my parents, and that I may work the righteousness that will please Thee: And admit me, by Thy Grace, to the ranks of Thy righteous Servants.’” (27:18-19)
In these verses Allah Almighty clearly tells us about the speech of ants. Researchers also discovered that ants communicate through the antennas on their heads. They use their antennas to send and receive sound vibrations. The interesting discovery was also that while receiving vibrations, the antennas filters vibrations and removes overlapping sounds. This is a very developed communication system unknown to science until few years ago but Quran mentioned it over 1400 years before scientific discovery and told us that ants speak.
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